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About Rock Spine & Joint Centre in Exeter

Raising The Bar For Chiropractic, Massage and Physiotherapy

With a strong belief in preventative healthcare as well as proactive pain relief, ROCK Spine and Joint Centre seeks to serve the good people of Exeter in their quest for optimum health. Trained by the most highly respected hands and minds in the profession, ROCK is raising the bar for the quality of chiropractic, massage and physiotherapy in Exeter – starting with our state-of-the-art centre on Exeter’s historic quayside. It’s our mission to bring everyone who visits our centre back to their full health potential, regardless of age, medical history or current health profile.


We Help People Like You Recover From A Wide Range Of Conditions Every Day

From relieving pain to improving posture to maintaining a healthy vigour, here at ROCK Spine and Joint Centre we are all about developing a rock solid foundation for great health now and in the future using Chiropractic, Physiotherapy and Massage techniques.

Why Work With Us?

Specialist Practitioners

On Site Equipment

10 Years Experience

Over 150 Happy Clients

Holistic + Personalised Care

Friendly Service


Our one-of-a-kind blend of conservative techniques, chiropractic expertise, compassionate, and individualised care can help you and every member of your family experience an optimal quality of life for the many years ahead. 

Relief Care

If you’re unfortunate enough to be suffering from pain when you visit our Centre, our first priority will be to get you out of pain in the shortest time possible. Daily visits may be required initially depending on the person and source of the pain.​ You may not be aware that pain is actually a very poor indicator of health, and only appears once the underlying cause has become quite advanced. So while pain will be given priority and is usually the first symptom to disappear, the underlying cause may remain – only to cause pain again at a future date.

Our understanding of pain is that it’s the tip of an iceberg. Of course we want to relieve you of pain, but once that urgency has passed, the cause of the pain or symptom is actually more important.​ We will assess your pain and advise on the best treatment suited to your individual needs. Our in house treatments for pain consist of Chiropractic adjustments, Massage and Physiotherapy.

Corrective Care

Sufferers of poor spinal health will know all too well the toll it can take on your overall wellbeing. You may experience breathing difficulties, reduced movement or lack of strength. Chiropractic recognises the importance of spinal health as an essential component of you and your family’s health. For visitors to our Centre who are not in pain, we aim to restore your natural spinal health, and as a consequence, your overall health and wellbeing.

While receiving corrective care, you’ll benefit from our unique multi-disciplinary approach to long-term spinal correction. This may involve hands-on treatments, nutrition and exercise advice, as well as posture and lifestyle changes.

Maintenance Care

What’s the key to healthy living? While we’re all the same on the inside, we’re also individuals with different healthcare needs. ROCK health is our program for your own personalised health maintenance routine.  Just as you would follow a diet or exercise regimen, we use our Chiropractic, Massage and Physiotherapy skills and knowledge to keep your mind and body strong, flexible, and in a good, healthy condition. ROCK health includes all the aspects of care we offer to be taken at a frequency that suits you, we understand that considering a Chiropractor in Exeter also means considering your lifestyle and health goals. ROCK health is built on proven methods of preventative healthcare that we believe should be available to all, regardless of age and medical history.

Get In Touch To Discuss Today Your Spine and Joint Needs

Meet Our Team


Sari Botros


BSc (Hons), MChiro 

Advanced Spine and Joint Practitioner

As principal chiropractor at ROCK Spine and Joint Centre, it's my mission to inspire and educate the vibrant community here in Devon toward better health and wellness. After many successful years practicing in both Canterbury and Hampton Court, I've settled in Exeter with my wife where together we have established ROCK. Our centre is based in an historic 500-year-old building on Exeter's atmospheric quayside.

Following my graduation from the prestigious University of Kent’s biomedical science degree, I went on to study an integrated chiropractic masters in Wales. I also completed extensive postgraduate training focusing on spinal biophysics/postural correction, paediatrics, neurology, radiology, TMJD and wellness based health care. I have been – and continue to be – trained by some of the most highly respected hands and minds in the field, strongly emphasising the specificity and accuracy of adjustments in my practice.

When someone attends our centre with a health issue or symptom, my main goal is to find the primary cause of the problem, and to address it through specific spinal adjustments, spinal traction, rehabilitation and education. I always aim to elevate that person's health to a much higher level than when they first came in. During each session I explain and demonstrate how important proper spinal alignment is for full body health and wellbeing, as well as for pain relief.

While I am always guided by my Chiropractic training, I never take my focus away from the person in front of me. It’s my job to help that person achieve their fullest health potential as quickly and compassionately as possible.

The original definition of doctor is teacher, and I take that role very seriously. I strive to educate everyone I meet so that they can achieve their true health potential. I am truly excited to be your local Chiropractor in Exeter


Wida Botros

MCSP Chartered Physiotherapist

Centre Manager

As centre manager here at ROCK Spine and Joint Centre it's my job to make sure that your experience with us is always the very best it can be. Whether that's ensuring you're happy with the care you're receiving to helping you keep on track with your wellness plans, I'm always on hand to help, discuss or just offer support. Additionally, I'm also the clinical assistant, which means I will have a good understanding of your current health profile, and can answer most of your questions any time your chiropractor is unavailable.

Following my graduation in physiotherapy from the Lithuanian Sports University, my career path has led me to the UK, where I managed one of Europe's largest chiropractic and physiotherapy centres in London. During my time there I gained valuable insight into not only the typical health complaints people present, but saw first hand how chiropractic delivers long-lasting health improvements as well as valuable pain relief. Prior to this I had no idea just how powerful a healthcare system chiropractic is. I can honestly say it's changed my outlook on life and health for good.

I'm a firm believer in the power of looking at the whole person, not just the symptoms they're currently experiencing. While you may be suffering from pain only in your lower back, doesn't mean everything else in your body is hunky-dory. A holistic approach is crucial in helping you achieve your full health potential – something that's incredibly important to me.

I love meeting and helping the diverse range of people my job brings me into contact with, and finish each working day with a warm feeling from being part of a positive change in people's lives. If you're planning on visiting our centre, I'm probably the first person you'll meet – and I'm really looking forward to it.

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 Innana Botros

Advanced Spine and Joint Practitioner

Hi! I’m Innana, and I’m one of the Chiropractors here at ROCK Spine and Joint Centre. It’s my mission to provide you and your family with the highest quality, personalised chiropractic care. With a strong emphasis on education and preventative measures, I want to empower you take charge of your health outcomes by helping you to understand and address the root causes of your symptoms.

Like so many in the field, my involvement with chiropractic began with my own treatment. After a rowing injury left me unable to walk upright or to move without pain, I discovered chiropractic care. It was a life-changing experience for me! Not only was I enjoying freedom from pain, and increased mobility – I was introduced to a completely new way of understanding my body and my overall health. I knew instantly it was my calling to become a chiropractor.

Following my studies at the AECC University where I attained a 1st class degree in the Master of Chiropractic programme, I took additional courses focusing on TMJD, shoulder, hip, knee, foot, and ankle issues. More recently, I’ve been a guest speaker at a number of renowned Chiropractic conferences both here in the UK, and in the USA. I was also presented with student of the year award for my contributions by the United Chiropractic Association.

I am particularly focused on the structure, function, and biomechanics of the spine, and its impact on the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. Understanding how these systems can function perfectly together for optimum health means I can show you how to regain – and maintain – your best possible health outcome. Whatever brings you into our health centre, I’m committed to looking beyond your active symptoms and treating you as a whole person.

Having been on both sides of the adjustment table, I bring genuine understanding and empathy to everyone I treat, as well as the skills and knowledge to pass on the invaluable benefits of chiropractic to others. Fully committed to staying up to date with all the latest advances in chiropractic, I’m looking forward to providing you and your family with the most effective evidence-based care to suit your needs.


Chloe Sharland

Centre Assistant

Hi, I’m Chloe and I’m thoroughly delighted to be working as Centre Assistant at ROCK Spine and Joint Centre. Welcoming you through the door and answering any questions you may have. Since I was first shown an x-ray of my spine at age 11, I have developed a strong interest in spinal health and helping others. What I didn’t know, is that there was a place such as ROCK for me to do just that every day! I was diagnosed with Scoliosis 9 years ago and although at first it had no effect on my life bar appearance, my conditioned progressed dramatically. I had poor balance, poor posture, and chronic back pain. When I was 16 years old my arms and legs would paralyse intermittently, with no health care professional able to give me an explanation.

With a supportive family, I was able to adapt to life, and ROCK found me at a point when I was just about managing my back on a day to day basis. Having seemingly tried everything, I was sceptical that the team at ROCK could do anything to help. However, the welcoming team explained all my questions and I can both see and feel significant improvement to my health. The biggest difference is that now I have a life without limits, I can aspire to be and do anything, without suffering the consequences of my spine. I’m still at the early stages of improving my spinal health, but with the knowledge I’m learning in my role and the difference I can see in our members here every single day. I know I’m in the right place, and you are too!

New Chiropractic Members Receive 50% Off

Book your initial chiropractic consultation (including x-rays if required) and as a new member you will receive 50% off and only pay £75.00 for your initial visit ( usual cost £150.00 )

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